Spring Cloud Data Flow2.11.6
Microservice based Streaming and Batch data processing for Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.
Spring Cloud Data Flow provides tools to create complex topologies for streaming and batch data pipelines. The data pipelines consist of Spring Boot apps, built using the Spring Cloud Stream or Spring Cloud Task microservice frameworks.
What's Changed
- Rewrite release worker for commercial use by @cppwfs in #8
- [CI] Inline Trivy scan in ci.yml and ci-pr.yml by @onobc in #11
- Update to Spring Boot 2.7.24 by @onobc in #12
- Update Netty to 4.1.118.Final by @onobc in #13
- Update Jackson to version 2.17.3 by @onobc in #14
- Remove unnecessary dependency management by @onobc in #15
- Add migration for MySQL to fix aggregate views by @onobc in #16
- Strengthen DB migration for MySQL view re-creation by @onobc in #17
- [CI] Publish images to private registry by @onobc in #18
- [CI] Add next-dev-version-controller.yml and worker by @onobc in #20
- [CI] Refactor release-controller.yml inputs and ordering by @onobc in #19
New Contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-commercial/commits/v2.11.6