Spring Boot2.7.22


đź“” Documentation

  • Update link to Tanzu Spring Runtime documentation
  • Update documentation to account for new location

🔨 Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade to Awaitility 4.2.2
  • Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.2.27
  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.17.23
  • Upgrade to FreeMarker 2.3.33
  • Upgrade to Groovy 3.0.22
  • Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.55.v20240627
  • Upgrade to Jetty EL 9.0.90
  • Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 1.1.17
  • Upgrade to JsonAssert 1.5.3
  • Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.34
  • Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 4.4.18
  • Upgrade to Netty 4.1.112.Final
  • Upgrade to Reactor Bom 2020.0.47
  • Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.39
  • Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.93